
Mexican tourists manage to get alcohol into the Qatar airport despite the restrictions imposed during the World Cup

Despite the fact that Qatar has had strict restrictions regarding the consumption of alcohol during the World Cup, that hasn’t stopped tourists looking for ways to bring alcoholic beverages, at the risk of being caught by the authorities.

This was seen in a recent TikTok video where two Mexican citizens They manage to take a bottle of alcohol hidden in an airport bound for Qatar.

The footage was shared by the user @ricardonavarro842 and it is observed how one of the Mexican fans walks along the airport, while wearing what appears to be a Mexican national team shirt football in hand.

At the end of the footage the fan shows that, hidden in the team’s shirt is a bottle of alcohol.

Smuggling alcohol to Qatar“Is the message that appears at the end of the footage.

The video It has more than 19 thousand reactions and several comments where they express divided opinions regarding the actions of people.

On the one hand, a group of people expressed surprise and admiration for the bravery of the fans to carry alcohol and defy the authorities.

How to identify a countryman among thousands of fans“, “I love how brave the guy is” Y “When they tell you not to do it, the more you do it“, were some of the comments where they admired the actions shown in the video.

However, other people criticized people’s actions, and They assured that it is not a reason for pride and that they should be sanctioned immediately.

The first arrested in the World Cup“, “They are already breaking the rules, calm countrymen” Y “that is not done, it is not correct“, are the most prominent negative comments.

The news even reached Werevertumorro, one of the most popular youtubers in Mexico and wrote on his Twitter account, criticizing the actions of fans.

“Hey, Mexicans who are doing the blow job of putting illegal things in Qatar. They can get into a fart and if they already did it and it worked for them, don’t upload it to tiktok my cherubs… They don’t know if after a while they can go for you or when they leave they are going to have the fart of their lives. Neta, ”said the content creator on his social network.

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