
President reaffirms his commitment to the elderly

Guatemala City, November 15 (AGN).- Within the framework of the National Day of the Elderly, the president Alejandro Giammattei reiterated its commitment to work for the benefit of older adults.

The president shared a congratulatory message to the elderly on his day through his official Twitter account.

We reaffirm our commitment to the Guatemalans who worked for the country during their lives, the president stressed.

Likewise, he emphasized one of the programs prioritized by the Government of Guatemala, the Program for the Elderly, which has already exceeded 142,000 beneficiaries.

This program is part of the actions that the Executive promotes to improve the quality of life of the population, especially the elderly.

about the celebration

For its part, this celebration is governed by the Decree 25-2009 of the Congress of the Republic, which is why it is celebrated every November 15 in Guatemala.

In this sense, in the commemorative framework, the different entities promote activities in favor of this sector, in order to promote a good quality of life and guarantee their health.

Government Programs

As part of the work promoted by the Government of Guatemala for the benefit of the elderly, there is the Economic Contribution Program for the Elderly, which benefits 142,738 seniors.

This initiative prioritizes people over 65 who live in the province and who are in a situation of poverty.

Therefore, with the management of President Giammattei, the execution in the rural area has been 95% and 5% in the municipalities of Guatemala. This with the aim of bringing help to the most needy people.

My Golden Years

On the other hand, the authorities work together with the Executive Coordination Secretariat of the Presidency (SCEP) and the Social Works Secretariat of the President’s Wife (SOSEP).

This institution is in charge of the My Golden Years program and carries out various social actions to serve this sector.

From this account, this program aims to contribute to improving the quality of life of people over 60 years of age, through its daytime and permanent care centers.

All this, through food deliveries for the three meal times, plus snacks, In addition, they provide attention to the requests of people living in poverty.

Meanwhile, the Government of the Republic reaffirms its commitment to this sector of the population, recognizing all the work they did for the growth of the country.

Also read:

Older adults, a priority for the Government of Guatemala


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