
Sign agreement for the support of people with visual disabilities

Guatemala City, Nov 10 (AGN).- The National Council for the Care of Persons with Disabilities (Conadi) Together with the Chamber of Professional Announcers of Guatemala (CLPG) they have joined forces to support the blind community in the country.

Both institutions signed a letter of understanding that establishes the joint work that they will carry out for two years. The foregoing, for the creation of audible material and other resources that have been difficult to access for people with visual disability.

From this account, speakers from the CLPG will provide their service for the accessibility of various works that are important for the education, information and culture of people with low vision.

The president of Conadi, Clarivel Castillo, was present at the activity. Likewise, the president of the Chamber of Professional Announcers of Guatemala, Carlos de Triana.

In this sense, the president of Conadi mentioned that this initiative complies with article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The item named accessibility highlights the importance of promotion in appropriate ways to support people with disabilities.

Consequently, this agreement is part of the actions prior to the commemoration of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and the Day of the Announcer, on December 3.

What is sought is that through the different voices of the Chamber of Broadcasters, the Conadi regulations can be made accessible, Clarivel Castle.

Commitment to the initiative

For this reason, the CLPG and Conadi established a series of commitments to guarantee the performance of joint work.

In addition, you are reflecting various responsibilities assigned to each of the institutions.

In this sense, the CLPG will be in charge of reviewing and analyzing institutional policies and incorporating the theme of disability.

Likewise, to provide voiceover support for the production of audible formats.

For its part, Conadi must seek advice on the application and compliance with the inclusion of the resources provided by the CLPG. It will also be in charge of orienting and disseminating accessible information formats.

In addition, it must support the validation of communication products that address the issue of disability.

With the support of Central government, These institutions fight for the fulfillment of the rights of people with special abilities and create spaces for inclusion in various everyday aspects.

Also read:

Promote job opportunities for people with disabilities


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