
President congratulates senator, congressman and governor elected in the United States elections

Guatemala City, Nov 9 (AGN). – The mandatary Alexander Giammattei congratulated a senator, a congresswoman and a governor who were elected during the midterm elections held in USA on November 8.

Through his official Twitter account, the president congratulated the senator Mark Antony Rubio of the Republican Party for his election.

I am pleased to learn of the re-election of my dear friend, Senator Marco Antonio Rubio of Florida. Let us continue our excellent collaboration to promote a more secure, peaceful and trustworthy region for our peoples, said the ruler.

Congressman and Governor

Meanwhile, the chief executive congratulated the congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar also for his re-election in the US.

Congratulations to Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar. Her re-election is vital to continue fighting against the cruel smuggling of migrants in the region and to protect life. My best wishes for you!said the president.

He also congratulated Ronald Dion DeSantisfor his victory as governor of the state of Florida.

My best wishes to Ronald Dion Desantis for his recent victory. The people have recognized his leadership, his staunch defense of freedom and our shared democratic values.details the message.


This Wednesday, the president also expressed his congratulations to the United States Senator from the great state of Utah Michael Shumway Lee.

Michael Shumway Lee has been an ally in defending the Republican principles of sovereignty, rule of law, and accountability. Congratulations on his re-election, dear friend! says the president.

The elections

The partial scrutiny of the mid-term elections in the United States shows an advantage for the Republicans in the House of Representatives.

According to the first results, the results in the Senate register 48 elected Democratic congressmen and 47 Republican congressmen.

Currently, both chambers are controlled by Democrats. Voters have also spoken out in statewide referendums on issues like abortion, recreational marijuana use and the electoral system.

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