
Guatemala and Honduras follow up on bilateral agenda

Guatemala City, Oct 26 (AGN).- Officials from Guatemala and Honduras met this week to follow up on the bilateral agenda, which includes trade opportunities.

The representatives of both countries endorsed the dynamism and strength of the historic bilateral relationship between Guatemala and Honduraspointed out the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minex) it’s a statement.

There was also discussion about maintaining the dialogue regarding issues on the political, economic and cooperation agenda. Likewise, the promotion of safer borders was addressed to position areas of exchange and opportunities.

Other topics discussed were the facilitation of trade, migration, development and border infrastructure, as well as the promotion of actions to consolidate a prosperous region.


Guatemalan deputy foreign ministers Geovani Castillo and Shirley Aguilar, as well as their Honduran counterpart Gerardo Torres Zelaya, participated in the meeting.

The vice ministers of Guatemala and Honduras mentioned the importance of promoting safe, orderly, regular and circular migration.

Therefore, it was pointed out that comprehensive solutions should be implemented and collaboration mechanisms in consular assistance should be strengthened.

In addition, they discussed the process of deep integration towards the customs union and bilateral cooperation in priority sectors.

The participants also discussed the activation of coordination mechanisms to develop a technical, scientific and technological cooperation program.

In addition, the leadership of both countries in instances such as the Association of Caribbean States and the Central American Integration System were addressed.

environmental theme

Representatives from the Environment portfolios of Guatemala and Honduras participated in the work session to discuss the comprehensive management of the Motagua river basin.

Given this, it was recalled that the two nations have shared responsibilitiesso it is expected to increase the results in environmental matters.

Also read:

Rounds of negotiations for deep integration between Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras are advancing


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