
President Holds Phone Conversation with US Senator Rick Scott

Guatemala City, Oct 20 (AGN).- The president of the Alexander Giammattei talked through a phone call with the United States Senator Rick Scott.

On the call with Florida Senator Rick Scott, we discussed migration, security, democracy, and freedom of religionsaid the Guatemalan dignitary in a message posted on his social networks.

After this conversation, the US senator issued a statement in which he thanked the Guatemalan leader for defending freedom and democracy from countries in conflict.

They also spoke about the commitment that the North American country has with Guatemala to ensure democracy and freedom in Latin America.

The leaders of freedom-loving countries around the world must unite and work together in defense of human rights, freedom and democracy and support the people of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, said the senator.

defend democracy

Senator Scott took the opportunity to show his gratitude to the Guatemalan president for his support at the 52nd General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) held in Lima, Peru.

He stressed that Guatemala was one of the few countries that raised its voice and voted against the dictatorship of Venezuelan oppressors.

I am grateful that the Government of Guatemala has shown courage and its commitment to freedom by supporting Juan Guaidó, and I look forward to continuing to work with President Giammattei to support democracy throughout Latin America, added Rick Scott, a United States Senator.

Guatemala in the OAS

the minister of External relationships, Mario Búcaro, represented the government of President Alejandro Giammattei in the 52nd regular session of the OAS in Peru. In said assembly, the heads of the attending delegations discussed achievements and future challenges in each region.

Likewise, the central government, through Búcaro, shared with the members of the organization Guatemala’s support for democracy and the freedom to put an end to conflicts between nations.

Said participation seeks to strengthen multilateral ties in compliance with the guidelines of the government of President Giammattei, which were born with the purpose of creating relations with the world.

Also read:

Entrepreneurs show interest in investing in Guatemala


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