
Patients do not have to travel to receive treatments

With the presence of members of the board of directors of the Spanish Benevolent Association, representatives of the Embassy of Spain in Guatemala, medical and managerial authorities of El Pilar and special guests, new areas were launched.

Among the improvements to the hospital are the two new cardiology and pulmonology specialty units, as well as the renovation of radiology, the clinical laboratory and a bed-ridden area.

The ribbon was cut in the renovated bed-riding room C. Free Press Photo: Sergio Muñoz

To comply with these new standards, laboratory equipment was purchased with state-of-the-art computerized programs that allow for prompt and accurate results for the benefit of patients and physicians so that the best decisions can be made. With the support of medical specialists, it was proposed to raise the level of knowledge and skills of the nursing staff, relying on foreign countries, specifically in Mexico and Colombia.

“We are in constant renovation to stay at the forefront of facilities, technological medical equipment and adequate human resources for each area, under the guidelines required by international accreditation with Canada. Today we are inaugurating the new wing, which will have, among other advantages, serve as an Intermediate Care Unit and will especially support patients with neurovascular pathology”, said Dr. Federico Ranero, medical director of Hospital El Pilar.

The new Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory in the country. Free Press Photo: Sergio Muñoz

The interventional cardiology department has the best technology to perform minimally invasive procedures, such as cardiac catheterizations. They also have a team of professionals specialized in the different branches that include cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, cardiovascular anesthesiologists, intensivist cardiologists and a large professional medical and paramedical staff trained abroad.

The first Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory in the country is in the El Pilar Hospital, with special equipment for an accurate diagnosis of lung diseases. It is the only Pulmonology Unit specialized in respiratory disorders in Guatemala and offers quality care to adult and pediatric patients.

The cardiac tomograph, which offers an excellent exploration for each type of pathology. Free Press Photo: Sergio Muñoz

“We have set out to change the paradigm of private health care in Guatemala by implementing the different specialist units that allow the comprehensive management of patients, with quality and service under the motto: El Pilar for everything and everyone. While other hospital centers yearn for the services provided in other parts of the world, we at El Pilar already have them at their disposal,” Dr. Ranero concluded.

Hospital el Pilar has acquired a new cardiac tomograph, the equipment produces results in the entire range of clinical functions in which it is worth highlighting cardiovascular studies, Coronary Angio CT, TAVI, oncology such as monitoring of lung cancer, neuro, interventionism of dynamic biopsies in real time 4D and Dual Energy technology for tissue separation. The Stellar detector offers objective image quality, improving quality.

The changes in the bed-ridden room allow the nursing unit a first class service. Free Press Photo: Sergio Muñoz

A remodeling of the physical infrastructure of the laboratory was carried out based on workflows and a million-dollar investment in state-of-the-art equipment. This will simplify the manual work of operators and save time that will guarantee precise and accurate results with timely diagnoses, responding to the guidelines of the board of directors of the Spanish Charity Association, the executive management and medical management of Hospital El Pilar.

Bed C was created not only with design finishes and lighting in mind, but also with a pleasant and welcoming environment for the patient, inspired by characters from Spain. It includes 10 rooms that will function as UCIM (Intermediate Care Unit), equipped with vital signs monitors and O2, air and vacuum medical gas intake. The IP nursing call system was also installed, which opens several options such as the implementation of RTLS devices, beeper and traceability, which measures the time of attention to each call. It includes the blue code and the Ictus code, to assist the patient immediately and prematurely when they suffer a cerebrovascular accident or brain attack.

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