
two weeks after the tragedy, what has been done to recover the collapsed area

On September 24, the collapse of a rainwater collector on Calzada Concepción in zone 6 of Villa Nueva caused two gigantic sinkholes in which seven people fell, two of whom lost their lives.

Two weeks after that tragedy, in which Olga Emilia Choz Ulin, 38, and her daughter, Hellen Michelle Mejía Choz, 14, died the local commune assures that the repair works are advancing, although they consider that these could last the rest of the year.

They reported that they are in phase one of the construction of a provisional collector that is located six meters deep, with a 200-meter-long pipe that seeks to channel rainwater from surrounding neighborhoods. and avoid complications in the construction of the definitive collector.

The community added that the temporary pipe being installed is 42 inches in diameter, while the one that collapsed has 72.

The commune ensures that with the definitive collector the use of another type of pipe and measures will be evaluated, since the water it carries is greater than what the collapsed one supported. The works on the Calzada Concepción could last the rest of the year, due to the studies and because a 450-meter collector will be built.

Until now They do not have defined costs or exact execution time.

Byron Morataya, spokesman for the Municipality of Villa Nueva, pointed out that a technical table was formed in which the authorities of Conred, Insivumeh, Infom, CIV and Covial and the commune and it was determined that work should be done in five phases.

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“We are in phase number one and we have been in the fourth day of work for a provisional collector that It will allow the channeling of the rainwater that descends through the ditch of the Las Vegas neighborhood”Morataya said.

He added that some 200 meters have been advanced, which It will allow the waters of the next rains not to cause more damage.


The mayor of Villa Nueva, Javier Gramajo, in an interview with The net He said on October 4 that the reconstruction of the Concepción road, in zone 6, will be divided into two phases; He also talked about the use of technology to detect if there are more caverns in the sector.

Gramajo indicated that will use LiDAR technology from the overpass at kilometer 15 or the entrance to Villa Nueva to the grid where the collector starts to see if there are more caves.

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Verification with this technology also will be extended to the Las Vegas neighborhood and on land belonging to companies in the sector.

He added that this process requires patience, because if there is no proper study of the area, they cannot make the technical decision for the works.

He reported that according to a first analysis and identification with the LiDAR and GPR image, which are different techniques, they mark two possible caverns on the Concepción road that are not visible and they still have the asphalt layer.

Given this situation, they have disabled the aforementioned road, because they cannot allow another tragedy like the one that happened.

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