Entrepreneurs trained as part of Mi Pueblo Mi Producto
Guatemala City, Sep 21 (AGN).- The Government of Guatemala developed a training for entrepreneurs from Sololá as part of the program My People My Product.
The Ministry of Economy (Mineco), through the Vice Ministry of Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), held a workshop to strengthen the knowledge of entrepreneurs. The activity was coordinated with the Sololá Economic Dynamization Headquarters.
#TogetherLet’sGoForMore | The program My People, My Product promoted by the Government of the President @DrGiammatteicontributes to the local economic development of Guatemalans. #ActionsThatTransform pic.twitter.com/EJGjO3loeK
— Guatemalan Government (@GuatemalaGob) September 21, 2022
The purpose of this program is for artisans and entrepreneurs to learn about various methodologies and subsequently apply them for the growth of their company. In addition, this strategy allows the development of the local economy.
The training was attended by 20 artisans and entrepreneurs from Sololá. These are part of various economic sectors of the department.
The participants showed their gratitude to the authorities and expressed that thanks to the acquired learning they will be able to make better use of the various tools they have. Likewise, they will be able to properly use the natural resources found in the community.
We thank the Ministry of Economy that, through its Economic Dynamization Headquarters in Sololá and the My People My Product program, trained us to contribute to boosting the economy of the Sololateco people, mentioned Juana Quisquiná, a beneficiary of the program.
The IV National Fair “My Town My Product” is part of the project Revitalization of Crafts and Youth Entrepreneurship in #AntiguaGuatemala and surrounding municipalities of Sacatepéquez de la @TW__Guatemalaexecuted by the Vice Ministry of Development of the #MSMEs @VICEMIPYME pic.twitter.com/kldWZVazv0
— Ministry of Economy (@MINECOGT) April 30, 2022
about the program
My People My Product is a strategy that drives the Guatemalan Government and executes the Mineco, and its purpose is to strengthen and empower committees in charge of MSMEs in different communities.
From that account, it is about positioning enterprises at a national and international level through their promotion. This is especially aimed at remote communities in the country, promoting the developing Y sustainability of Guatemalans looking for new growth opportunities.
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